Bloodborne Pathogens: Exposure In The Workplace 12435 & 12437

Available in English and Spanish

Bloodborne Pathogens: Exposure In The Workplace 12435 & 12437

12435 & 12437

$ 395.00


The Bloodborne Pathogens: Exposure In The Workplace - DVD Training is available in English and Spanish. It Covers what bloodborne pathogens are, why you don't want to be exposed, and what you can do to prevent exposures it also Uses a "risk scenario" that tracks through a bloodborne pathogens exposure, and shows employees how to react - and how not to react - to an injury involving blood

Covers the following training topics:

  • Info on the Exposure Control Plan
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Engineering, work, and practice controls
  • Bloodborne diseases and how they are spread
  • How to respond to emergencies involving blood
  • Hepatitis B vaccine, exposure evaluation and follow up
  • Signs and labels used to warn of potential hazards (e.g., biohazard symbol)

Employee Safety Training

Highly Recommended