Ladder Safety for General Industry - DVD Training - 50534
Available in English and Spanish.

Ladder Safety for General Industry dvd training covers the protective measures and the potential hazards while working w/ ladders. Under the walking working surfaces rule, this program helps to understand OSHA ladder safety requirements
- Help Learners Understand OSHA Ladder Requirements
- Covers the Potential Hazards and Protective Measures While Working with Ladders
- Ladder Safety for General Industry Learners Will Be Able To:
- Identify types of ladders and their main components
- Recognize potential hazards related to ladders
- Describe safety measures to take when using ladders
- Ready To Use Training Program
- Includes Several Components
Basic System Requirements
- A 400 Mhz or faster Intel-compatible CPU
- A video card with AGP architecture and at least 4 MB of onboard RAM
- At least 128 MB of system RAM (Windows 2000, XP and Vista users - 256 MB or more is recommended)
- Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP or Windows Vista (most software DVD decoders have either reduced function or no support under Windows95 and Windows NT 4.0)
- The latest version of Microsoft DirectX
- A DVD-ROM drive (DVD discs cannot be read by CD-ROM equipment)
DVD Main Menu
- Play Program - Plays entire main program (17 minutes)
- Chapter Selections (access to chapters by topic)
- Introduction
- Potential Hazards
- Intro to Potential Hazards
- Unsafe Environment
- Unsafe Equipment
- Unsafe Behavior
- Employer Requirements
- Types of Ladders
- What is a Ladder?
- Portable Ladders
- Mobile Ladder Platforms & Stands
- Fixed Ladders
- Using Ladders Safely
- Choosing the Right Ladder
- Inspecting a Ladder
- Ladder Maintenance
- Using a Ladder
- Storing a Ladder
- Conclusion
- Bonus Materials
- Message to Management Video (5 minutes)
- Quiz - 10 interactive questions; offers correct/incorrect remediation to reinforce effectiveness of training.
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